Access to Naloxone Kits & Training

If you have current or past history of heroin, opium or narcotic use or if you spend time with people that use these substances, we strongly recommend that you get overdose training and an overdose response kit containing naloxone.


  • can reverse the effects of an opiate overdose
  • is easily administered

Make an appointment

Naloxone kits and training are available from The Works at Toronto Public Health and from many pharmacies. Call to make an appointment for your naloxone kit and training.

The Works – Toronto Public Health

Telephone: 416-392-0520

Drop-in address: 277 Victoria St. (at Yonge and Dundas)

On-site training hours: Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Drug Basic Pharmacy

Telephone: 416-463-7697

Address: 1068 Danforth Ave.

If you are an patient in our care and you have a naloxone kit we will keep in our medication safekeeping and release it to you when you leave the unit.

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