The Aftercare Clinic is a long-term outpatient psychiatric rehabilitation program for adults with psychotic disorders who live in stable housing. A multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, nurses, mental health workers and occupational therapists work together to provide assessment, treatment, education and resource linking to the community.
The primary components are long-term medical follow-up with a psychiatrist (for medications primarily), socialization, life skills and community recreation. We also assess patient needs and make referrals to community rehabilitation programs for recreational, vocational/educational follow-up.
Program Goals
- To enhance the individual’s understanding of his/her illness and treatment needs.
- To enable the individual to maintain and/or improve his/her quality of life.
Program Highlights
The program offers both individual and group formats and includes the following services:
- psychiatric follow-up for medications
- crisis/supportive counseling
- medication and symptom monitoring
- education
- social/recreational activities
- life skills
- prevocational evaluation & counselling
Referrals are accepted from health care providers from both within the hospital and the community for clients living in the catchment area of the Michael Garron Hospital.
Referral required.