Jennifer, RN

Jennifer's Career Journey at MGH

Tell us about yourself!

Hi, my name is Jennifer Reguindin and I am the Clinical Resource Leader and Nursing Practice, Education and Special Projects Lead. I’ve been back at Michael Garron Hospital (MGH) for almost 2 years now.

What motivated you to join MGH?My previous experience with MGH motivated me to join! MGH took a chance on me 20 years ago when I was a new graduate in Intensive Care! The support and investment I received as a new graduate and the learning experience was instrumental in my decision to come back to MGH. I want to ensure that learners, new hires and staff receive the thoughtfulness and attention that I did.

What types of learning, mentorship or professional development opportunities have you had the opportunity to pursue since joining MGH?

I have had many opportunities here!

  • The Leadership Excellence Essentials Program (LEEP), LEEP excellence and leadership coaching with the MGH Organizational Development team has helped refresh my knowledge, skills and awareness.
  • The Research and Innovation team sponsored the Improving & Driving Excellence Across Sectors (IDEAS) Quality Improvement primer, which was a great reminder of the best practice that I use in my Education Evaluation work.
  • Weekly medicine rounds, which I attend when I’m able, have been helpful to keep up with clinical issues and topics to help support the work that I do
  • I’ve had the opportunity to support the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario Best Practice Spotlight Organization Ontario Health Team committee. Through this, I’ve been a mentor for the Advance Clinical Practice Fellowship with an interprofessional group of care professionals.
  • My position also enables me to be a preceptor for nurses who are in their Master’s preparation/schooling.
  • I’ve had a chance to support the Vascular Access Team nurses to present in Medical Rounds this past September.

Can you share your career path at MGH?

2001: I was in a position similar to clinical externs in the old Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)/Coronary Care Unit (CCU). I was excited to be selected for a wonderful and unique opportunity. A nursing student in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) outside of clinical hours was an exceptional experience for a learner like me!

2002: I worked hard and built relationships with nurses and leadership and by the time I became a Registered Nurse (RN), then MICU/CCU manager, I was offered a role in the ICU sponsorship program. Through the years, I learned from experienced nurses who gave me the building blocks to be the nurse I am today. They encouraged my curiosity, were great role models for accountability and they inspired me to excel. The Respiratory Therapists I worked with at the time enabled me to truly understand interprofessional collaboration and practice in the ICU setting. Then my curiosity to learn about other practice areas and the academic arena led me away from the hospital.

2020: I was looking for a role that was fast paced and based on my experience and strengths, which encompass education, practice, quality improvement, scholarly work and innovation. This position came up at MGH. I was delighted to be selected for such a unique role that is full of possibilities and enables me to be solution-focused. I love this role as I get to meet and work with many people from different departments and organizations. It’s a great community.

What motivates/inspires you?It was 12 years ago when I learned about this quote by Emile Coue. It goes, “everyday, in every way, I get better and better.” This quote defines who I am as a learner, as a nurse and as an individual. I ask myself constantly, “what can I do better today”? One per cent better for me is still an improvement over zero. I believe the easiest way to achieve this is to learn – learn a new fact, meet a new person, gain new experiences. This job allows me to learn more each day and I remain so inspired.

If you could share one memorable moment from your time at MGH, what stands out to you? Working in the MICU/CCU as a nursing student and a new graduate remains the happiest of my learning experiences. I was treated with kindness and compassion by the nurses and leadership. I was given many learning opportunities to develop. These people were and still are great role models to me.

Today, my memorable moments come with every new hire group I work with. It’s great when a new learner says to me, “Jen, I get it now” or, “I CAN do it!” after worrying over a new skill or concept. Or when a nurse says, “Jen, I got the job!”, after I support them in the application process for other units. Those moments really make my day!

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