Individual places a sticky note on a whiteboard in the Ken and Marilyn Thomson Patient Care Centre

Michael Garron Hospital seeks community feedback on refreshed vision, purpose and values statements

What is our core purpose at Michael Garron Hospital?
What inspires us?
What are we called to do – for our patients, for each other, for our community?
Who do we aspire to be?

Michael Garron Hospital’s (MGH) vision, purpose and values statements begin to answer big questions like these. These statements are written declarations that help make clear our hospital’s purpose, goals and priorities.

As part of our Strategic Plan Refresh 2023-2025, we have the opportunity to reflect on where we are now and where we want to be in the future.

For these vision, purpose and values statements to make an impact, they need to mean something to each of us. That’s why we’re asking you – members of our hospital community – to provide feedback on these statements in a short 5-minute survey!

Please click the button below to complete the survey. You can also access the survey at

Refreshing Michael Garron Hospital’s Strategic Plan

In spring and fall this year, over 700 of us – staff, physicians, board members, volunteers, students, learners, patients, community members, partners and more – shared our reflections on MGH’s current vision, mission and values. Last month, we assembled MGH’s Vision, Purpose and Values Refresh Team – a group of 20 diverse volunteers including frontline staff, leaders and a patient partner – to develop new vision statement options and values for community feedback.

The refreshed statements will be featured in MGH’s Strategic Plan Refresh 2023-2025 launching in Spring 2023 and our website and reports and publications. They will also help guide everything MGH does – from the delivery of high-quality, patient-centred care to our work with community and health system partners.

The survey is open until November 25. The survey results will help us choose a refreshed vision statement, our values, and will inform our new purpose statement.

We encourage you to share this survey with anyone in East Toronto and the MGH community who would like to share their feedback.

Thank you for your time and consideration. By participating in this survey, we hope you will see yourself reflected in our refreshed vision, purpose and values! We look forward to sharing more about MGH’s Strategic Plan Refresh 2023-2025 in the coming months.

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